I’ve never had a problem with a substance.
I’ve never felt so controlled by something that it became my default activity.
But that’s what tech use became for me.
In 2022, it’s easy to feel trapped by social media, people’s expectations,
24-hour news feeds, and just plain old fear. I don’t know about you, but I’m
looking for
The internet isn’t the world.
It is only a window to the world, one that we’re free to look in while sitting
safely on the toilet.
So, seeing as we all
Remember nine months ago when people stormed the United States Capitol building
hoping to discover a secret chamber where Nancy Pelosi was keeping children held
captive? That was the result of an echo
Having a charged phone in your pocket means you can always check social media.
You can consume news reports from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall
asleep. And you
I almost made the ultimate sacrifice the other day.
I was going to whip my smartphone against a wall, then go out and buy a flip
phone with no apps on it. I
Did you know they still make polaroid cameras? I had no idea. Apparently social
media hasn't blotted them out yet.
I figured they had gone the way of the VCR. Why